Upgrade Your Email Marketing Stack

This Is How MyJobHelper Increased Their Email Campaign Revenue x5

Learn how the New York-based job search engine ramped up their sending volume to 600m emails every month with Ongage, an email marketing platform with advanced segmentation, automation, reporting, and API tools.

Headquartered in Union Square, Manhattan, NYC

MyJobHelper is a job search engine aggregator and an email marketing powerhouse, matching highly qualified job candidates to employers hungry for talent and recruits that become employees.

+ 1 Billion

Focusing on email KPIs & reducing attrition

MyJobHelper’s main email challenges were tied to deliverability, engagement rates, and list attrition.
To meet them successfully, they used Ongage’s advanced reporting and segmentation tools.
These ensured that they sent meaningful email content that was actionable for each user on a personal level.

The result was better engagement rates, inbox placement, fewer unsubscribes, and fewer spam complaints.

“The Ongage email marketing platform played a very important role in helping us to grow. Just having the tech side of email handled by Ongage allowed us to use our people towards other pursuits and improve other areas of our service that otherwise, we wouldn’t have the bandwidth to handle.”

Joshua Blumenfeld

CEO and Founder @MyJobHelper

Cutting costs where it matters the most

On top of improving all of their email KPIs, Ongage helped MyJobHelper reduce their email marketing operation’s direct and indirect costs.
When asked how, Josh explained that:

“Every email you send has a cost. That’s why who you’re not sending to is as important as who you’re sending to. Minimizing sends to less engaged users helped us reduce our investment in less productive activities and reinvest them in those who generated revenue.”

Growing to 7.2b email sends per year with no bumps

After improving key email metrics like click-through rates and spam complaints, MyJobHelper set their eyes on the next challenge, growth. Growing from 100m to 600m emails per month is no easy feat for any company. To scale successfully, you need the following under your belt:

Multi-layered segmentation

Sophisticated segmentation tools to target subscribers with relevant, personalized, and engaging content.


Granular email reporting to understand real-time effects of your optimization efforts on customers’ behavior

& robust API

State-of-the-art automation modules that help you create personal relationships with your subscribers.


A robust API to streamline your data management and messaging between your CRM and emails.

Ongage ticked all these boxes for MyJobHelper, propelling them to success.

Sending relevant emails with meaningful content

A crucial hurdle to overcome when scaling up revolves around customizing messaging to different subscribers with different needs, wants, and interests. MyJobHelper was sure to make use of Ongage’s advanced segmentation tools to step over this obstacle.

With up to 150 unique data points per subscriber, the job search website managed to send highly-tailored messages based on demographic, psychographic, and geographic data.

Segmenting further with behavior-based segmentation that focuses on intent, sends, clicks, and conversions was what gave MyJobHelper the engagement rates they were after.

“We send an enormous number of unique messages based upon the segmentation of our subscribers. Creating segments based on behavioral data or just subscriber-level data was key for our scaling efforts.”

Joshua Blumenfeld

CEO and Founder

MyJobHelper saw a whopping revenue jump from $4m to $19.5m

Want to grow like MyJobHelper?

Drilling down and optimizing campaigns

Advanced segmentation alone can’t support the sending of 600m emails per month. MyJobHelper realized that a growth-oriented reporting system is a must.

They looked for a system that tracks engagement rates across numerous segments over time. One that allows you to figure out where things went right or wrong by providing drill-down capabilities on campaigns and segments. Ongage provided all of this and more.

The actionable analytics suite gives email marketers the ability to slice and dice data from multiple angles, including per campaign, ISP, list fields, and others.

“You don’t get to this size unless you can track and measure metrics and continuously improve the content you’re emailing. All the features in Ongage play a pivotal role in our ability to do so.”

Joshua Blumenfeld

CEO and Founder @MyJobHelper

Professional in its simplicity

A key benefit of Ongage is that non-tech users can send highly-sophisticated and targeted emails. It’s easy to send via Ongage or connect your current ESP or SMTP relay to it.

Further, managing your campaigns and targeting specific subscribers while using the reporting system insights is streamlined, so you’re spending less time on fishing insights while casting a large net strategically.

“Part of the reason we like Ongage is the fact that a non-tech person like myself can use it.I’m looking to take as much off our plate that a specialist can do far better than us. They’ll handle the tech side, and we’ll tackle the marketing side.”

Joshua Blumenfeld

CEO and Founder

This helped MyJobHelper to:

Citing MyJobHelper as the perfect example of Ongage’s
capabilities, VP Growth & Sales, HAIM PEKEL said:

“High-volume mailers frequently spend a lot of time and resources crafting and distributing campaigns. Our system is designed to streamline that burden, cutting the number of resources needed on both ends.

By making it easier to segment and automate campaigns, the content creation process is a lot easier. And by offering a flexible API, we can further improve deliverability and ROI. This is what proved to be the real winner in the case of MyJobHelper.”

Built for deliverability and cultivating relationships

Dynamic content feeds

Dynamic content feeds

“Utilizing information from our own database in many ways, to create the most targeted email possible, that’s been a key feature from the start.”
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Robust API for large
scale management

Robust API for large scale management

“Every single feature is available through the API. It’s been wonderful, allowing us to the stuff in bulk, which is obviously how you want to do everything.”
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Behavioral tracking
and segmentation

Behavioral tracking and segmentation

“Creating segments based on behavioral data or just subscriber-level data (we have hundreds of fields per subscriber) helped us achieve this growth.”
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Dynamic content feeds

Dynamic content feeds

“Utilizing information from our own database in many ways, to create the most targeted email possible, that’s been a key feature from the start.”
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Robust API for large scale management

Robust API for large scale management

“Every single feature is available through the API. It’s been wonderful, allowing us to the stuff in bulk, which is obviously how you want to do everything.”
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Behavioral tracking and segmentation

Behavioral tracking and segmentation

“Creating segments based on behavioral data or just subscriber-level data (we have hundreds of fields per subscriber) helped us achieve this growth.”
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We asked MyJobHelper why they chose Ongage?

Prior to Ongage, MyJobHelper tested a lot of solutions, from simple SMTP relays to advanced email marketing systems. On the company’s decision to adopt Ongage, Blumenfeld said:

“Ongage has capabilities that make it highly suited for many markets. I don’t recall there was any competitor that was as specialized as Ongage for our particular marketplace.

A platform like Ongage provides an excellent solution for you that otherwise you wouldn’t have had, and in terms of cost, it would be a lot less than creating and maintaining it internally.”

MyJobHelper keeps growing with Ongage to this day

According to Blumenfeld, the human aspect of
Ongage was critical for their growth:

“Ongage played a very important role in helping us achieve that. They were very proactive and accommodating in working with us.

A lot of other vendors would charge you for every single feature, and you are great at providing an evolving service while not nickel and diming us for every single upgrade.

Because of the immediate usage of such features, we were able to scale our operation which benefits both parties as we continue to increase the number of emails we sent. It’s been a holistic approach to the service and the growth of the use of the platform.”

We take our customers’ email marketing seriously

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